blob: a1acb215c19b59e89a5184931f0441d49daaed51 [file] [log] [blame]
String Helper
The String Helper file contains functions that assist in working with
.. contents::
.. raw:: html
<div class="custom-index container"></div>
Loading this Helper
This helper is loaded using the following code::
Available Functions
The following functions are available:
.. php:function:: random_string([$type = 'alnum'[, $len = 8]])
:param string $type: Randomization type
:param int $len: Output string length
:returns: A random string
:rtype: string
Generates a random string based on the type and length you specify.
Useful for creating passwords or generating random hashes.
The first parameter specifies the type of string, the second parameter
specifies the length. The following choices are available:
- **alpha**: A string with lower and uppercase letters only.
- **alnum**: Alpha-numeric string with lower and uppercase characters.
- **basic**: A random number based on ``mt_rand()``.
- **numeric**: Numeric string.
- **nozero**: Numeric string with no zeros.
- **md5**: An encrypted random number based on ``md5()`` (fixed length of 32).
- **sha1**: An encrypted random number based on ``sha1()`` (fixed length of 40).
Usage example::
echo random_string('alnum', 16);
.. note:: Usage of the *unique* and *encrypt* types is DEPRECATED. They
are just aliases for *md5* and *sha1* respectively.
.. php:function:: increment_string($str[, $separator = '_'[, $first = 1]])
:param string $str: Input string
:param string $separator: Separator to append a duplicate number with
:param int $first: Starting number
:returns: An incremented string
:rtype: string
Increments a string by appending a number to it or increasing the
number. Useful for creating "copies" or a file or duplicating database
content which has unique titles or slugs.
Usage example::
echo increment_string('file', '_'); // "file_1"
echo increment_string('file', '-', 2); // "file-2"
echo increment_string('file_4'); // "file_5"
.. php:function:: alternator($args)
:param mixed $args: A variable number of arguments
:returns: Alternated string(s)
:rtype: mixed
Allows two or more items to be alternated between, when cycling through
a loop. Example::
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++)
echo alternator('string one', 'string two');
You can add as many parameters as you want, and with each iteration of
your loop the next item will be returned.
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++)
echo alternator('one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five');
.. note:: To use multiple separate calls to this function simply call the
function with no arguments to re-initialize.
.. php:function:: repeater($data[, $num = 1])
:param string $data: Input
:param int $num: Number of times to repeat
:returns: Repeated string
:rtype: string
Generates repeating copies of the data you submit. Example::
$string = "\n";
echo repeater($string, 30);
The above would generate 30 newlines.
.. note:: This function is DEPRECATED. Use the native ``str_repeat()``
.. php:function:: reduce_double_slashes($str)
:param string $str: Input string
:returns: A string with normalized slashes
:rtype: string
Converts double slashes in a string to a single slash, except those
found in URL protocol prefixes (e.g. http&#58;//).
$string = "";
echo reduce_double_slashes($string); // results in ""
.. php:function:: strip_slashes($data)
:param mixed $data: Input string or an array of strings
:returns: String(s) with stripped slashes
:rtype: mixed
Removes any slashes from an array of strings.
$str = array(
'question'  => 'Is your name O\'reilly?',
'answer' => 'No, my name is O\'connor.'
$str = strip_slashes($str);
The above will return the following array::
'question'  => "Is your name O'reilly?",
'answer' => "No, my name is O'connor."
.. note:: For historical reasons, this function will also accept
and handle string inputs. This however makes it just an
alias for ``stripslashes()``.
.. php:function:: trim_slashes($str)
:param string $str: Input string
:returns: Slash-trimmed string
:rtype: string
Removes any leading/trailing slashes from a string. Example::
$string = "/this/that/theother/";
echo trim_slashes($string); // results in this/that/theother
.. note:: This function is DEPRECATED. Use the native ``trim()`` instead:
| trim($str, '/');
.. php:function:: reduce_multiples($str[, $character = ''[, $trim = FALSE]])
:param string $str: Text to search in
:param string $character: Character to reduce
:param bool $trim: Whether to also trim the specified character
:returns: Reduced string
:rtype: string
Reduces multiple instances of a particular character occuring directly
after each other. Example::
$string = "Fred, Bill,, Joe, Jimmy";
$string = reduce_multiples($string,","); //results in "Fred, Bill, Joe, Jimmy"
If the third parameter is set to TRUE it will remove occurrences of the
character at the beginning and the end of the string. Example::
$string = ",Fred, Bill,, Joe, Jimmy,";
$string = reduce_multiples($string, ", ", TRUE); //results in "Fred, Bill, Joe, Jimmy"
.. php:function:: quotes_to_entities($str)
:param string $str: Input string
:returns: String with quotes converted to HTML entities
:rtype: string
Converts single and double quotes in a string to the corresponding HTML
entities. Example::
$string = "Joe's \"dinner\"";
$string = quotes_to_entities($string); //results in "Joe&#39;s &quot;dinner&quot;"
.. php:function:: strip_quotes($str)
:param string $str: Input string
:returns: String with quotes stripped
:rtype: string
Removes single and double quotes from a string. Example::
$string = "Joe's \"dinner\"";
$string = strip_quotes($string); //results in "Joes dinner"