blob: 2be2790dd8d19701a773e6cff23734e6888e5caa [file] [log] [blame]
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
* CodeIgniter
* An open source application development framework for PHP 5.2.4 or newer
* Licensed under the Open Software License version 3.0
* This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0) that is
* bundled with this package in the files license.txt / license.rst. It is
* also available through the world wide web at this URL:
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* @package CodeIgniter
* @author EllisLab Dev Team
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 - 2012, EllisLab, Inc. (
* @license Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* @link
* @since Version 1.0
* @filesource
* Database Forge Class
* @category Database
* @author EllisLab Dev Team
* @link
abstract class CI_DB_forge {
public $fields = array();
public $keys = array();
public $primary_keys = array();
public $db_char_set = '';
// Platform specific SQL strings
protected $_create_database = 'CREATE DATABASE %s';
protected $_drop_database = 'DROP DATABASE %s';
protected $_drop_table = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s';
protected $_rename_table = 'ALTER TABLE %s RENAME TO %s';
* Constructor
* @return void
public function __construct()
// Assign the main database object to $this->db
$CI =& get_instance();
$this->db =& $CI->db;
log_message('debug', 'Database Forge Class Initialized');
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Create database
* @param string the database name
* @return bool
public function create_database($db_name)
if ($this->_create_database === FALSE)
return ($this->db->db_debug) ? $this->db->display_error('db_unsuported_feature') : FALSE;
elseif ( ! $this->db->query(sprintf($this->_create_database, $db_name, $this->db->char_set, $this->db->dbcollat)))
return ($this->db->db_debug) ? $this->db->display_error('db_unable_to_drop') : FALSE;
if ( ! empty($this->db->data_cache['db_names']))
$this->db->data_cache['db_names'][] = $db_name;
return TRUE;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Drop database
* @param string the database name
* @return bool
public function drop_database($db_name)
if ($db_name === '')
show_error('A table name is required for that operation.');
return FALSE;
elseif ($this->_drop_database === FALSE)
return ($this->db->db_debug) ? $this->db->display_error('db_unsuported_feature') : FALSE;
elseif ( ! $this->db->query(sprintf($this->_drop_database, $db_name)))
return ($this->db->db_debug) ? $this->db->display_error('db_unable_to_drop') : FALSE;
if ( ! empty($this->db->data_cache['db_names']))
$key = array_search(strtolower($db_name), array_map('strtolower', $this->db->data_cache['db_names']), TRUE);
if ($key !== FALSE)
return TRUE;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Add Key
* @param string key
* @param string type
* @return object
public function add_key($key = '', $primary = FALSE)
if ($primary && is_array($key))
foreach ($key as $one)
$this->add_key($one, $primary);
if ($key === '')
show_error('Key information is required for that operation.');
if ($primary === TRUE)
$this->primary_keys[] = $key;
$this->keys[] = $key;
return $this;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Add Field
* @param string collation
* @return object
public function add_field($field = '')
if ($field === '')
show_error('Field information is required.');
if (is_string($field))
if ($field === 'id')
'id' => array(
'type' => 'INT',
'constraint' => 9,
'auto_increment' => TRUE
$this->add_key('id', TRUE);
if (strpos($field, ' ') === FALSE)
show_error('Field information is required for that operation.');
$this->fields[] = $field;
if (is_array($field))
$this->fields = array_merge($this->fields, $field);
return $this;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Create Table
* @param string $table = ''
* @param bool $if_not_exists = FALSE
* @return bool
public function create_table($table = '', $if_not_exists = FALSE)
if ($table === '')
show_error('A table name is required for that operation.');
if (count($this->fields) === 0)
show_error('Field information is required.');
$sql = $this->_create_table($this->db->dbprefix.$table, $this->fields, $this->primary_keys, $this->keys, $if_not_exists);
if (is_bool($sql))
return $sql;
if (($result = $this->db->query($sql)) !== FALSE && ! empty($this->db->data_cache['table_names']))
$this->db->data_cache['table_names'][] = $this->db->dbprefix.$table;
return $result;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Drop Table
* @param string the table name
* @return bool
public function drop_table($table_name)
if ($table_name === '')
return ($this->db->db_debug) ? $this->db->display_error('db_table_name_required') : FALSE;
elseif ($this->_drop_table === FALSE)
return ($this->db->db_debug) ? $this->db->display_error('db_unsuported_feature') : FALSE;
$result = $this->db->query(sprintf($this->_drop_table, $this->db->escape_identifiers($this->db->dbprefix.$table_name)));
// Update table list cache
if ($result && ! empty($this->db->data_cache['table_names']))
$key = array_search(strtolower($this->db->dbprefix.$table_name), array_map('strtolower', $this->db->data_cache['table_names']), TRUE);
if ($key !== FALSE)
return $result;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Rename Table
* @param string the old table name
* @param string the new table name
* @return bool
public function rename_table($table_name, $new_table_name)
if ($table_name === '' OR $new_table_name === '')
show_error('A table name is required for that operation.');
return FALSE;
elseif ($this->_rename_table === FALSE)
return ($this->db->db_debug) ? $this->db->display_error('db_unsuported_feature') : FALSE;
$result = $this->db->query(sprintf($this->_rename_table,
if ($result && ! empty($this->db->data_cache['table_names']))
$key = array_search(strtolower($this->db->dbprefix.$table_name), array_map('strtolower', $this->db->data_cache['table_names']), TRUE);
if ($key !== FALSE)
$this->db->data_cache['table_names'][$key] = $this->db->dbprefix.$new_table_name;
return $result;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Column Add
* @param string the table name
* @param string the column name
* @param string the column definition
* @return bool
public function add_column($table = '', $field = array(), $after_field = '')
if ($table === '')
show_error('A table name is required for that operation.');
// add field info into field array, but we can only do one at a time
// so we cycle through
foreach (array_keys($field) as $k)
$this->add_field(array($k => $field[$k]));
if (count($this->fields) === 0)
show_error('Field information is required.');
$sql = $this->_alter_table('ADD', $this->db->dbprefix.$table, $this->fields, $after_field);
if ($this->db->query($sql) === FALSE)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Column Drop
* @param string the table name
* @param string the column name
* @return bool
public function drop_column($table = '', $column_name = '')
if ($table === '')
show_error('A table name is required for that operation.');
if ($column_name === '')
show_error('A column name is required for that operation.');
return $this->db->query($this->_alter_table('DROP', $this->db->dbprefix.$table, $column_name));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Column Modify
* @param string $table = ''
* @param string $field = array() column definition
* @return bool
public function modify_column($table = '', $field = array())
if ($table === '')
show_error('A table name is required for that operation.');
// add field info into field array, but we can only do one at a time
// so we cycle through
foreach (array_keys($field) as $k)
// If no name provided, use the current name
if ( ! isset($field[$k]['name']))
$field[$k]['name'] = $k;
$this->add_field(array($k => $field[$k]));
if (count($this->fields) === 0)
show_error('Field information is required.');
$sql = $this->_alter_table('CHANGE', $this->db->dbprefix.$table, $this->fields);
if ($this->db->query($sql) === FALSE)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Reset
* Resets table creation vars
* @return void
protected function _reset()
$this->fields = $this->keys = $this->primary_keys = array();
/* End of file DB_forge.php */
/* Location: ./system/database/DB_forge.php */