blob: 0b759eb5d606a1b0f04cbb8f7ff14fefbc600a5f [file] [log] [blame]
* CodeIgniter
* An open source application development framework for PHP 5.2.4 or newer
* Licensed under the Open Software License version 3.0
* This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0) that is
* bundled with this package in the files license.txt / license.rst. It is
* also available through the world wide web at this URL:
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to obtain it
* through the world wide web, please send an email to
* so we can send you a copy immediately.
* @package CodeIgniter
* @author EllisLab Dev Team
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 - 2014, EllisLab, Inc. (
* @license Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* @link
* @since Version 3.0
* @filesource
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
* CodeIgniter Encryption Class
* Provides two-way keyed encryption via PHP's MCrypt and/or OpenSSL extensions.
* @package CodeIgniter
* @subpackage Libraries
* @category Libraries
* @author Andrey Andreev
* @link
class CI_Encryption {
* Encryption cipher
* @var string
protected $_cipher = 'aes-128';
* Cipher mode
* @var string
protected $_mode = 'cbc';
* Cipher handle
* @var mixed
protected $_handle;
* Encryption key
* @var string
protected $_key;
* PHP extension to be used
* @var string
protected $_driver;
* List of usable drivers (PHP extensions)
* @var array
protected $_drivers = array();
* List of available modes
* @var array
protected $_modes = array(
'mcrypt' => array(
'cbc' => 'cbc',
'ecb' => 'ecb',
'ofb' => 'nofb',
'ofb8' => 'ofb',
'cfb' => 'ncfb',
'cfb8' => 'cfb',
'ctr' => 'ctr',
'stream' => 'stream'
'openssl' => array(
'cbc' => 'cbc',
'ecb' => 'ecb',
'ofb' => 'ofb',
'cfb' => 'cfb',
'cfb8' => 'cfb8',
'ctr' => 'ctr',
'stream' => '',
'xts' => 'xts'
* List of supported HMAC algorightms
* name => digest size pairs
* @var array
protected $_digests = array(
'sha224' => 28,
'sha256' => 32,
'sha384' => 48,
'sha512' => 64
* mbstring.func_override flag
* @var bool
protected static $func_override;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Class constructor
* @param array $params Configuration parameters
* @return void
public function __construct(array $params = array())
$this->_drivers = array(
'mcrypt' => defined('MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM'),
// While OpenSSL is available for PHP 5.3.0, an IV parameter
// for the encrypt/decrypt functions is only available since 5.3.3
'openssl' => (is_php('5.3.3') && extension_loaded('openssl'))
if ( ! $this->_drivers['mcrypt'] && ! $this->_drivers['openssl'])
return show_error('Encryption: Unable to find an available encryption driver.');
isset(self::$func_override) OR self::$func_override = (extension_loaded('mbstring') && ini_get('mbstring.func_override'));
if ( ! isset($this->_key) && self::strlen($key = config_item('encryption_key')) > 0)
$this->_key = $key;
log_message('debug', 'Encryption Class Initialized');
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Initialize
* @param array $params Configuration parameters
* @return CI_Encryption
public function initialize(array $params)
if ( ! empty($params['driver']))
if (isset($this->_drivers[$params['driver']]))
if ($this->_drivers[$params['driver']])
$this->_driver = $params['driver'];
log_message('error', "Encryption: Driver '".$params['driver']."' is not available.");
log_message('error', "Encryption: Unknown driver '".$params['driver']."' cannot be configured.");
if (empty($this->_driver))
$this->_driver = ($this->_drivers['openssl'] === TRUE)
? 'openssl'
: 'mcrypt';
log_message('debug', "Encryption: Auto-configured driver '".$this->_driver."'.");
empty($params['key']) OR $this->_key = $params['key'];
return $this;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Initialize MCrypt
* @param array $params Configuration parameters
* @return void
protected function _mcrypt_initialize($params)
if ( ! empty($params['cipher']))
$params['cipher'] = strtolower($params['cipher']);
if ( ! in_array($params['cipher'], mcrypt_list_algorithms(), TRUE))
log_message('error', 'Encryption: MCrypt cipher '.strtoupper($params['cipher']).' is not available.');
$this->_cipher = $params['cipher'];
if ( ! empty($params['mode']))
$params['mode'] = strtolower($params['mode']);
if ( ! isset($this->_modes['mcrypt'][$params['mode']]))
log_message('error', 'Encryption: MCrypt mode '.strtotupper($params['mode']).' is not available.');
$this->_mode = $this->_modes['mcrypt'][$params['mode']];
if (isset($this->_cipher, $this->_mode))
if (is_resource($this->_handle)
&& (strtolower(mcrypt_enc_get_algorithms_name($this->_handle)) !== $this->_cipher
OR strtolower(mcrypt_enc_get_modes_name($this->_handle)) !== $this->_mode)
if ($this->_handle = mcrypt_module_open($this->_cipher, '', $this->_mode, ''))
log_message('debug', 'Encryption: MCrypt cipher '.strtoupper($this->_cipher).' initialized in '.strtoupper($this->_mode).' mode.');
log_message('error', 'Encryption: Unable to initialize MCrypt with cipher '.strtoupper($this->_cipher).' in '.strtoupper($this->_mode).' mode.');
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Initialize OpenSSL
* @param array $params Configuration parameters
* @return void
protected function _openssl_initialize($params)
if ( ! empty($params['cipher']))
$params['cipher'] = strtolower($params['cipher']);
$this->_cipher = $params['cipher'];
if ( ! empty($params['mode']))
$params['mode'] = strtolower($params['mode']);
if ( ! isset($this->_modes['openssl'][$params['mode']]))
log_message('error', 'Encryption: OpenSSL mode '.strtotupper($params['mode']).' is not available.');
$this->_mode = $this->_modes['openssl'][$params['mode']];
if (isset($this->_cipher, $this->_mode))
// This is mostly for the stream mode, which doesn't get suffixed in OpenSSL
$handle = empty($this->_mode)
? $this->_cipher
: $this->_cipher.'-'.$this->_mode;
if ( ! in_array($handle, openssl_get_cipher_methods(), TRUE))
$this->_handle = NULL;
log_message('error', 'Encryption: Unable to initialize OpenSSL with method '.strtoupper($handle).'.');
$this->_handle = $handle;
log_message('debug', 'Encryption: OpenSSL initialized with method '.strtoupper($handle).'.');
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Create a random key
* @param int $length Output length
* @return string
public function create_key($length)
return ($this->_driver === 'mcrypt')
? mcrypt_create_iv($length, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM)
: openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($length);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Encrypt
* @param string $data Input data
* @param array $params Input parameters
* @return string
public function encrypt($data, array $params = NULL)
if (($params = $this->_get_params($params)) === FALSE)
return FALSE;
isset($params['key']) OR $params['key'] = $this->hkdf($this->_key, 'sha512', NULL, self::strlen($this->_key), 'encryption');
if (($data = $this->{'_'.$this->_driver.'_encrypt'}($data, $params)) === FALSE)
return FALSE;
$params['base64'] && $data = base64_encode($data);
if (isset($params['hmac_digest']))
isset($params['hmac_key']) OR $params['hmac_key'] = $this->hkdf($this->_key, 'sha512', NULL, NULL, 'authentication');
return hash_hmac($params['hmac_digest'], $data, $params['hmac_key'], ! $params['base64']).$data;
return $data;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Encrypt via MCrypt
* @param string $data Input data
* @param array $params Input parameters
* @return string
protected function _mcrypt_encrypt($data, $params)
if ( ! is_resource($params['handle']))
return FALSE;
// The greater-than-1 comparison is mostly a work-around for a bug,
// where 1 is returned for ARCFour instead of 0.
$iv = (($iv_size = mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($params['handle'])) > 1)
? mcrypt_create_iv($iv_size, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM)
if (mcrypt_generic_init($params['handle'], $params['key'], $iv) < 0)
if ($params['handle'] !== $this->_handle)
return FALSE;
// Use PKCS#7 padding in order to ensure compatibility with OpenSSL
// and other implementations outside of PHP.
if (in_array(strtolower(mcrypt_enc_get_modes_name($params['handle'])), array('cbc', 'ecb'), TRUE))
$block_size = mcrypt_enc_get_block_size($params['handle']);
$pad = $block_size - (self::strlen($data) % $block_size);
$data .= str_repeat(chr($pad), $pad);
// Work-around for yet another strange behavior in MCrypt.
// When encrypting in ECB mode, the IV is ignored. Yet
// mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size() returns a value larger than 0
// even if ECB is used AND mcrypt_generic_init() complains
// if you don't pass an IV with length equal to the said
// return value.
// This probably would've been fine (even though still wasteful),
// but OpenSSL isn't that dumb and we need to make the process
// portable, so ...
$data = (mcrypt_enc_get_modes_name($params['handle']) !== 'ECB')
? $iv.mcrypt_generic($params['handle'], $data)
: mcrypt_generic($params['handle'], $data);
if ($params['handle'] !== $this->_handle)
return $data;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Encrypt via OpenSSL
* @param string $data Input data
* @param array $params Input parameters
* @return string
protected function _openssl_encrypt($data, $params)
if (empty($params['handle']))
return FALSE;
$iv = ($iv_size = openssl_cipher_iv_length($params['handle']))
? openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($iv_size)
$data = openssl_encrypt(
if ($data === FALSE)
return FALSE;
return $iv.$data;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Decrypt
* @param string $data Encrypted data
* @param array $params Input parameters
* @return string
public function decrypt($data, array $params = NULL)
if (($params = $this->_get_params($params)) === FALSE)
return FALSE;
if (isset($params['hmac_digest']))
// This might look illogical, but it is done during encryption as well ...
// The 'base64' value is effectively an inverted "raw data" parameter
$digest_size = ($params['base64'])
? $this->_digests[$params['hmac_digest']] * 2
: $this->_digests[$params['hmac_digest']];
if (self::strlen($data) <= $digest_size)
return FALSE;
$hmac_input = self::substr($data, 0, $digest_size);
$data = self::substr($data, $digest_size);
isset($params['hmac_key']) OR $params['hmac_key'] = $this->hkdf($this->_key, 'sha512', NULL, NULL, 'authentication');
$hmac_check = hash_hmac($params['hmac_digest'], $data, $params['hmac_key'], ! $params['base64']);
// Time-attack-safe comparison
$diff = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $digest_size; $i++)
$diff |= ord($hmac_input[$i]) ^ ord($hmac_check[$i]);
if ($diff !== 0)
return FALSE;
if ($params['base64'])
$data = base64_decode($data);
isset($params['key']) OR $params['key'] = $this->hkdf($this->_key, 'sha512', NULL, self::strlen($this->_key), 'encryption');
return $this->{'_'.$this->_driver.'_decrypt'}($data, $params);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Decrypt via MCrypt
* @param string $data Encrypted data
* @param array $params Input parameters
* @return string
protected function _mcrypt_decrypt($data, $params)
if ( ! is_resource($params['handle']))
return FALSE;
// The greater-than-1 comparison is mostly a work-around for a bug,
// where 1 is returned for ARCFour instead of 0.
if (($iv_size = mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($params['handle'])) > 1)
if (mcrypt_enc_get_modes_name($params['handle']) !== 'ECB')
$iv = self::substr($data, 0, $iv_size);
$data = self::substr($data, $iv_size);
// MCrypt is dumb and this is ignored, only size matters
$iv = str_repeat("\x0", $iv_size);
$iv = NULL;
if (mcrypt_generic_init($params['handle'], $params['key'], $iv) < 0)
if ($params['handle'] !== $this->_handle)
return FALSE;
$data = mdecrypt_generic($params['handle'], $data);
// Remove PKCS#7 padding, if necessary
if (in_array(strtolower(mcrypt_enc_get_modes_name($params['handle'])), array('cbc', 'ecb'), TRUE))
$data = self::substr($data, 0, -ord($data[self::strlen($data)-1]));
if ($params['handle'] !== $this->_handle)
return $data;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Decrypt via OpenSSL
* @param string $data Encrypted data
* @param array $params Input parameters
* @return string
protected function _openssl_decrypt($data, $params)
if ($iv_size = openssl_cipher_iv_length($params['handle']))
$iv = self::substr($data, 0, $iv_size);
$data = self::substr($data, $iv_size);
$iv = NULL;
return empty($params['handle'])
: openssl_decrypt(
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get params
* @param array $params Input parameters
* @return array
protected function _get_params($params)
if (empty($params))
return isset($this->_cipher, $this->_mode, $this->_key, $this->_handle)
? array(
'handle' => $this->_handle,
'cipher' => $this->_cipher,
'mode' => $this->_mode,
'key' => NULL,
'base64' => TRUE,
'hmac_digest' => 'sha512',
'hmac_key' => NULL
elseif ( ! isset($params['cipher'], $params['mode'], $params['key']))
return FALSE;
if (isset($params['mode']))
$params['mode'] = strtolower($params['mode']);
if ( ! isset($this->_modes[$this->_driver][$params['mode']]))
return FALSE;
$params['mode'] = $this->_modes[$this->_driver][$params['mode']];
if (isset($params['hmac']) && $params['hmac'] === FALSE)
$params['hmac_digest'] = $params['hmac_key'] = NULL;
if ( ! isset($params['hmac_key']))
return FALSE;
elseif (isset($params['hmac_digest']))
$params['hmac_digest'] = strtolower($params['hmac_digest']);
if ( ! isset($this->_digests[$params['hmac_digest']]))
return FALSE;
$params['hmac_digest'] = 'sha512';
$params = array(
'handle' => NULL,
'cipher' => $params['cipher'],
'mode' => $params['mode'],
'key' => $params['key'],
'base64' => isset($params['raw_data']) ? ! $params['raw_data'] : FALSE,
'hmac_digest' => $params['hmac_digest'],
'hmac_key' => $params['hmac_key']
$params['handle'] = ($params['cipher'] !== $this->_cipher OR $params['mode'] !== $this->_mode)
? $this->{'_'.$this->_driver.'_get_handle'}($params['cipher'], $params['mode'])
: $this->_handle;
return $params;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get MCrypt handle
* @param string $cipher Cipher name
* @param string $mode Encryption mode
* @return resource
protected function _mcrypt_get_handle($cipher, $mode)
return mcrypt_module_open($cipher, '', $mode, '');
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get OpenSSL handle
* @param string $cipher Cipher name
* @param string $mode Encryption mode
* @return string
protected function _openssl_get_handle($cipher, $mode)
// OpenSSL methods aren't suffixed with '-stream' for this mode
return ($mode === 'stream')
? $cipher
: $cipher.'-'.$mode;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Cipher alias
* Tries to translate cipher names between MCrypt and OpenSSL's "dialects".
* @param string $cipher Cipher name
* @return void
protected function _cipher_alias(&$cipher)
static $dictionary;
if (empty($dictionary))
$dictionary = array(
'mcrypt' => array(
'aes-128' => 'rijndael-128',
'aes-192' => 'rijndael-128',
'aes-256' => 'rijndael-128',
'des3-ede3' => 'tripledes',
'bf' => 'blowfish',
'cast5' => 'cast-128',
'rc4' => 'arcfour',
'rc4-40' => 'arcfour'
'openssl' => array(
'rijndael-128' => 'aes-128',
'tripledes' => 'des-ede3',
'blowfish' => 'bf',
'cast-128' => 'cast5',
'arcfour' => 'rc4-40',
'rc4' => 'rc4-40'
// Notes:
// - Rijndael-128 is, at the same time all three of AES-128,
// AES-192 and AES-256. The only difference between them is
// the key size. Rijndael-192, Rijndael-256 on the other hand
// also have different block sizes and are NOT AES-compatible.
// - Blowfish is said to be supporting key sizes between
// 4 and 56 bytes, but it appears that between MCrypt and
// OpenSSL, only those of 16 and more bytes are compatible.
// Also, don't know what MCrypt's 'blowfish-compat' is.
// - CAST-128/CAST5 produces a longer cipher when encrypted via
// OpenSSL, but (strangely enough) can be decrypted by either
// extension anyway.
// Also, it appears that OpenSSL uses 16 rounds regardless of
// the key size, while RFC2144 says that for key sizes lower
// than 11 bytes, only 12 rounds should be used. This makes
// it portable only with keys of between 11 and 16 bytes.
// - RC4 (ARCFour) has a strange implementation under OpenSSL.
// Its 'rc4-40' cipher method seems to work flawlessly, yet
// there's another one, 'rc4' that only works with a 16-byte key.
// - DES is compatible, but doesn't need an alias.
// Other seemingly matching ciphers between MCrypt, OpenSSL:
// - RC2 is NOT compatible and only an obscure forum post
// confirms that it is MCrypt's fault.
if (isset($dictionary[$this->_driver][$cipher]))
$cipher = $dictionary[$this->_driver][$cipher];
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* @link
* @param $key Input key
* @param $digest A SHA-2 hashing algorithm
* @param $salt Optional salt
* @param $length Output length (defaults to the selected digest size)
* @param $info Optional context/application-specific info
* @return string A pseudo-random key
public function hkdf($key, $digest = 'sha512', $salt = NULL, $length = NULL, $info = '')
if ( ! isset($this->_digests[$digest]))
return FALSE;
if (empty($length) OR ! is_int($length))
$length = $this->_digests[$digest];
elseif ($length > (255 * $this->_digests[$digest]))
return FALSE;
self::strlen($salt) OR $salt = str_repeat("\0", $this->_digests[$digest]);
$prk = hash_hmac($digest, $key, $salt, TRUE);
$key = '';
for ($key_block = '', $block_index = 1; self::strlen($key) < $length; $block_index++)
$key_block = hash_hmac($digest, $key_block.$info.chr($block_index), $prk, TRUE);
$key .= $key_block;
return self::substr($key, 0, $length);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* __get() magic
* @param string $key Property name
* @return mixed
public function __get($key)
// Because aliases
if ($key === 'mode')
return array_search($this->_mode, $this->_modes[$this->_driver], TRUE);
elseif (in_array($key, array('cipher', 'driver', 'drivers', 'digests'), TRUE))
return $this->{'_'.$key};
return NULL;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Byte-safe strlen()
* @param string $str
* @return integer
protected static function strlen($str)
return (self::$func_override)
? mb_strlen($str, '8bit')
: strlen($str);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Byte-safe substr()
* @param string $str
* @param int $start
* @param int $length
* @return string
protected static function substr($str, $start, $length = null)
if (self::$func_override)
return mb_substr($str, $start, $length);
return isset($length)
? substr($str, $start, $length)
: substr($str, $start);
/* End of file Encryption.php */
/* Location: ./system/libraries/Encryption.php */